☮╭⊰✿Art ✿☆҉‿ℒℴνℯ´⁀☆҉ ~☸ڿڰۣ——


martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Marilyn Manson Reads "The Proverbs of Hell" by William Blake



  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CmCPiGeHCM GIUSEPPE TARTINI [1692-1770] Il Trillo del Diavolo (B.g5) Sonata para violín y bajo continuo en sol menor Fecha: 1749 c. fuente: Le trille du diable de L'art du violon (París, J.-B. Cartier, 1798)



El Tyger

Por William Blake 1757--1827 William Blake 

Tyger Tyger, quema brillante, 

En los bosques de la noche; 

¿Qué ojo o mano inmortal, 

Pudo idear tu terrible simetría? 

¿En que abismos o cielos lejanos. 

Quemado el fuego de tus ojos? 

¿Con Que desgracia elevarse Oso? 

Lo Que La Mano, se atreven Tomar ESE fuego? 

Hombro ¿Y Que, Y Que arte, 

Torcio Fibras de Tu Corazón? 

Y Cuando Tu Corazón empezo a latir, 

¿Que Mano Terribles Tan? Y El AQUI empanadas pavor? 

Lo Que el martillo? Lo Que La Cadena, 

¿En que horno era tu cerebro? 

Lo Que El Yunque? lo Alcance pavor, 

Atrévete SUS terrores mortales corchete! 

De de de de Cuando las estrellas arrojaron lanzas SUS 

Y water'd cielo con SUS lágrimas: 

Obra ¿sonrio al Contemplar Do? 

¿Acaso El que Hizo el Cordero del te del del del haga? 

Tyger Tyger quema brillante, 

En los bosques de la noche: 

¿Qué ojo o mano inmortal, 

Atrévete idear tu terrible simetría?

Blake se PREGUNTA COMO UN Hizo Dios Que El manso cordero, podria También Crear de la onu furocious tigre.

Las Crías de tigre Temeroso En la esquina de mi canto vídeo es El Poderoso Willow! Mi gato! Cuidado !! lol ¿O Es Que Woody?

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

Puro Relajo - 'Txoria Txori' (Hegoak) - Videoclip Oficial HD - YouTube

Puro Relajo - 'Txoria Txori' (Hegoak) - Videoclip Oficial HD - YouTube

" txoria txori " nuen maite


Hegoak ebaki banizkio,
neria izango zen,
ez zuen aldegingo;
bainan, honela, ez zen gedhiago txoria izango,
eta nik... txoria nuen maite.

Si yo le hubiera cortado las alas,
habría sido mío,
no se habría marchado.
Pero de esa manera, nunca más hubiera seguido siendo pájaro,
y yo... yo amaba al pájaro.

Si je lui avais coupé les ailes
elle aurait été mienne,
elle ne se serait pas enfuie.
Mais ainsi elle n'aurait plus été un oiseau,
et moi... c'est l'oiseau que j'aimais.

Wenn ich ihr die Flügel geschnitten hätte,
wäre sie die Meine gewesen,
wäre sie nicht davon geflogen.
Aber dann wäre sie kein Vogel mehr gewesen
und ich... es war doch der Vogel, den ich liebte.

If i had cut its (her) wings
it (she) would have been mine,
it (she) would not be flees
it (she) would not have been anymore a bird
And it was the bird that I loved.


Who built Thebes of the seven gates?

In the books you will find the names of kings.

Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?

And Babylon, many times demolished

Who raised it up so many times? In what houses

of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live?

Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished

Did the masons go? Great Rome

Is full of triumphal arches. Who erected them? Over whom

Did the Caesars triumph? Had Byzantium, much praised in song

Only palaces for its inhabitants? Even in fabled Atlantis

The night the ocean engulfed it

The drowning still bawled for their slaves.

The young Alexander conquered India.

Was he alone?

Caesar beat the Gauls.

Did he not have even a cook with him?

Philip of Spain wept when his armada

Went down. Was he the only one to weep?

Frederick the Second won the Seven Year's War. Who

Else won it?

Every page a victory.

Who cooked the feast for the victors?

Every ten years a great man?

Who paid the bill?

So many reports.

So many questions.

Bertolt Brecht


Zazpi Atedun Tebas hura, nork eraiki zuen?

Liburuetan Errege izenik baizik ez da ageri.

Erregeek garraiatu ote zituzten harritzar haundiok?

Eta hainbatetan porrokatua izan zen Babilonia,

nork jaso zuen beste hainbestetan? Lima distirant hura

eraiki zuten langileak, ze etxetan bizi ote ziren?

Txinako Harresia bukatu zen iluntzean:

nora jo zuten harginek? Erroma bikain hura

garaitza arkuz beterik. Nork altxatu zituen?

Nortzuk menperatu zituzten Zesarrek?

Hain ospetsua zen Bizanziok, jauregiz besterik

ez ote zuen bertako jendearentzat? Alegiazko Atlantidan


itsasoak irentsi zuen gauean, biztanleak ito zorian

oihuka ari zitzaizkien beren esklaboei laguntza eske.

Alejandro gazteak India bereganatu zuen.

Berak bakarrik ote?

Zesarrek galoak menderatu.

Ez ote zuen berarekin sukaldari bat bederen?

Felipe Espainiakoak negar egin zuen bere Armada

urperatu zenean. Ez ote zuen beste inork negarrik egin?

Federiko Bigarrenak Zazpi Urteko Gerra irabazi.

Nork bestek zuen irabazi?

Garaitza bat orrialde bakoitzean.

Nortzuk atondu zituzten garaitza banketeak?

Hamar urtez behin gizon haundi bat.

Nork ordaintzen zituen haren gastuak?

Zenbat historia, hainbat galdera. Historiak bezainbat


Zenbat historia! Zenbat galdera!


"Langile Baten Galderak Liburu Baten Aurrean" de Mikel Laboa

Who built Thebes of the seven gates?
In the books you will find the names of kings.
Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?
And Babylon, many times demolished
Who raised it up so many times? In what houses
of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live?
Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished
Did the masons go? Great Rome
Is full of triumphal arches. Who erected them? Over whom
Did the Caesars triumph? Had Byzantium, much praised in song
Only palaces for its inhabitants? Even in fabled Atlantis
The night the ocean engulfed it
The drowning still bawled for their slaves.

The young Alexander conquered India.
Was he alone?
Caesar beat the Gauls.
Did he not have even a cook with him?

Philip of Spain wept when his armada
Went down. Was he the only one to weep?
Frederick the Second won the Seven Year's War. Who
Else won it?

Every page a victory.
Who cooked the feast for the victors?
Every ten years a great man?
Who paid the bill?

So many reports.
So many questions.

Bertolt Brecht
Zazpi Atedun Tebas hura, nork eraiki zuen?
Liburuetan Errege izenik baizik ez da ageri.
Erregeek garraiatu ote zituzten harritzar haundiok?
Eta hainbatetan porrokatua izan zen Babilonia,
nork jaso zuen beste hainbestetan? Lima distirant hura
eraiki zuten langileak, ze etxetan bizi ote ziren?
Txinako Harresia bukatu zen iluntzean:
nora jo zuten harginek? Erroma bikain hura
garaitza arkuz beterik. Nork altxatu zituen?
Nortzuk menperatu zituzten Zesarrek?
Hain ospetsua zen Bizanziok, jauregiz besterik
ez ote zuen bertako jendearentzat? Alegiazko Atlantidan
itsasoak irentsi zuen gauean, biztanleak ito zorian
oihuka ari zitzaizkien beren esklaboei laguntza eske.
Alejandro gazteak India bereganatu zuen.
Berak bakarrik ote?
Zesarrek galoak menderatu.
Ez ote zuen berarekin sukaldari bat bederen?
Felipe Espainiakoak negar egin zuen bere Armada
urperatu zenean. Ez ote zuen beste inork negarrik egin?
Federiko Bigarrenak Zazpi Urteko Gerra irabazi.
Nork bestek zuen irabazi?
Garaitza bat orrialde bakoitzean.
Nortzuk atondu zituzten garaitza banketeak?
Hamar urtez behin gizon haundi bat.
Nork ordaintzen zituen haren gastuak?

Zenbat historia, hainbat galdera. Historiak bezainbat
Zenbat historia! Zenbat galdera!
  • Música

    • "Langile Baten Galderak Liburu Baten Aurrean" de Mikel Laboa 

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

(239) Patxi Garrido @revistia

(239) Patxi Garrido @revistia.

 Ïcaro - the phoenix & - the Ocean ... 

Legend of Icarus Icarus Hallábase imprisoned on an island in the Balkans. Unable to escape by sea , decided to imitate the flight of birds. Met feathers of various sizes and was joining them with wax, to give you enough flexibility and maneuverability to its wings. Once completed , watt tackles his arms and let you drag in the wind. It was so good adaptation of Icarus , who was even better than flying birds, but without noticing , approached the Sun , which ended by melt wax that held his feathers. Icarus fell dying on a reef . However his father 's warnings , Icarus fascinated by the wonder of flight rose so aires disobeying Daedalus who could not stop it. In addition , Icarus felt master of the world and wanted to go higher still . It is too close to the sun, and the heat had melted the wax that held his wings , so he lost . The unhappy young and reckless rushing over the sea, where he died. Therefore, since the sea was known as the Sea of Ikaria . Icarus is sometimes known as the inventor of the woodwork. He is the son of Daedalus , genius of antiquity who showed Ariadne how Theseus could find his way in the labyrinth of Minos , where he was the Minotaur ( Mounstro uerpo man and bull head ) The legend was strong and even for long Icarus alleged tomb was shown in one end of the Aegean , as it was said that on the islands of Amber had two columns that Daedalus built one in honor of his son and another on behalf of himself . It also said that Daedalus was represented in sculpture the sad fate of his son at the gates of the temple Cumae , dedicated to Apollo . The Icarus paradox is the sentence be blinded to a posthumous order , without any environmental complexity . Sometimes complexity is a simple subtlety , a small gesture that we ignore . Are often the details that make the order ; Happiness is not at the end of the road , happiness is the way

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Icaro and the phoenix